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Containerizing Microservices using Docker on AWS [DevOps Project Part-1]

End to End DevOps E-Commerece project. This document going to outline one of the open source demo application and use that application to implement all the devops solutions and best practices. The demo application we are going to look at is the OpenTelemetry’s E-Commerce application. The following is the architecture of the application by open...

Deploy Kubernetes cluster with K3s and kubernetes dashboard for monitoring

Introduction In this document I am going to outline the steps that on how I have set up my kubernetes cluster along with an overview of issue I have faced during the installation and how I was able to fix them or workaround them. Once I have my cluster inplace, I have also deployed a light weight kubernetes dashboard to monitor my cluster as we...

Self Signed Certificates and DNS Setup using Traefik

Introduction We are going to install traefik proxy in a docker container. The traefik proxy is going to use Let’s encrypt to get certificates(using cloudflare for the domain verifications). We are also going to setup DNS records to point to our traefik proxy which will inturn re-route the traffic to its respective domain. With this setup, I wi...

Initial Setup of Proxmox

Introduction The base of my homelab is virtualization. As a security engineer, I would need to have access to multiple machines with multiple images like kali and ubuntu. On top of requiring multiple machines with different images, we would need also need a testing and a production environment to test all the configurations before making them l...

Linux Essentials Certification Training

Linux Distributions The main distributions in the field right now are, these distributions have evolved into a similar state. making the management of these different distributions similar and easy than they initially were. Red Hat OpenSUSE Cent OS Fedora Ubuntu Debian Setting up sudo user Giving sudo access to users is highly ...

Using Loops and Conditions in Bicep

Conditions and Loops Conditions can especially usefull in multi environment deployments. We can deploy a certain resources in dev or test environment and deploy anothor in production environment. Consider the following example @description('Set this to true, if we want to deploy a storage account') param deployStorageAccount bool param storag...

Optimization of Bicep template with Parameters.

Optimizing Bicep Templates One of the best ways to optimize a bicep template, first would be to have proper reusable parameters along with making them secure. Since bicep is using Azure resource manager, we can pull in any data that the azure has and use them in the template, which allows us to reduce number of parameters we need in any given t...

Introduction to Bicep.

Introduction to Infrastructure as code using Bicep Deployment of resources using a code gives us more control on what it is we are deploying. It is like an instruction manual on what resources to deploy and how to deploy it. Infrastructure as code also makes it easy for automating the asset deployment using pipelines or workflows. IaC also mak...

Deploy Proxmox servers using Cloud Init

Proxmox VM Templates using Cloud-Init Using cloud images, which are essentially light weight, certified images compared to normal iso’s in tandam with cloud init making it really fast to spin up a virtual machine. Cloud images have cloud init preinstalled and can accept cloud configuration right out of the box. Proxmox can also leverage cloud i...

Guide for publishing docs

Welcome Welcome to my Documentation site!. This site is a one shop stop for all the projects i have done, their descriptions and procedures on how the task was achieved. This site will not have the entirety of the code rather this is a place you can find th eworkflows for all the different projects I have done successfully. This site relies e...